Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Time to Reinvent Your Brand?

By Margie Church, Copywriter/Editor
Pinpoint Direct Marketing

The economy has taken credit unions and banks to the mat, leaving some of them barely breathing for months. And now the oxygen mask is on—perhaps not turned on full blast, but at a steadier flow than the past few years. So, the opportunity to revitalize your credit union is here. Will it be business as usual or will you seize the chance to reach out to prospects who've had their fill of banks' exorbitant fees and hiked-up interest rates without provocation? What about to members who've postponed vehicle and home purchases, and refinancing because of uncertain jobs? The scenarios are countless as the chances to prove that your not-for-profit status works in their favor, not just yours.

A Couple of Strategies

With people feeling beat up and shaky because of economic woes, how about giving your credit union a face? A warm smile and a handshake should be part of your dress code.

In print, in person, and on the Web, make me feel like you care about my personal financial wellbeing. Convince me you can help me get out of a mess the economy might have unwittingly dragged me into. Help me see your staff has the compassion and the experience to help me prop up my sagging investments and start looking forward to retirement a little more positively.

It's never been more important to educate the public about the real benefits of credit union membership. The capitalistic face of banks has been well-publicized, yet many people continue doing business with them because they don't know you're different. Give me rock-solid benefits that demonstrate I'm better off at a credit union and convince me it's easy to make the financial switch.

Dispel the notion that credit unions are an exclusive club. We know nothing could be further from the truth, but the fact continues to be a well-kept secret. When was the last time you did a myth-busting prospecting campaign to new movers to come in and learn the secret handshake?

2011 Planning

Budgets and plans. Goals and numbers. They're floating around the office and our heads. We want to help you get back on track, too. We know your budgets have been squeezed and maybe you've lost some staff and your personal workload has increased. If you're looking for an affordable, efficient way to approach 2011 and deliver results, it's time to hunker down with a creative group that can get you there. Pinpoint Direct Marketing. Turnkey service or ala carte. From concept through production. We're Communicating to Markets of One. We want to communicate for you.

Let's get a jump on the competition together.
Contact Kerry Blom, Pinpoint Direct Marketing Business Account Development, kblom@pdmkt.com

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